Thursday, November 11, 2010

B to the C !

The Best Chief :D !
'nuff said
Completely done on the iPhone4 using Sketches app

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Get WhatsApp Messenger for your iPhone or BlackBerry


I just downloaded an app for my iPhone called WhatsApp.
It works for Blackberry and other OS too.Free SMS for everyone ;)

It is a Smartphone Messenger which allows me to replace SMS and chat
directly with my friends and contacts. This app even tells me when
somebody is typing back a reply!

WhatsApp integrates seamlessly with your existing phone Address Book
and there is no PIN or username to remember.

Get it now from and say goodbye to SMS.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Won a copy of King's Hero

Meh! Just another game for the iPhone nothing extraordinary here.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Change your APN on the iPhone

Remember how in the earlier OS of the iPhone it was possible for you to change the APN settings ?
So that you could use custom APN settings of your carrier.
But in the newer firmwares this option is disabled.
To be able to customize it.
Visit this site from your iPhone

then Click on Custom Apn
and choose your carrier (there is a huge list of almost all Networks all over the world)
install it on your phone.
and you will be able to browse using your iPhone

Note : you need to be subscribed to your Carrier Data plan.
Hope this helps.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gotta have 4

Got my iPhone 4 today , And in my view this here is a massive upgrade from the 3GS( unlike from 3G to 3GS)
The phone hardware is pretty damn sexy.It feels like a piece of art in your hand.Makes my 3GS look old and bulky.The metal finish is absolutely fantastic.

Pics shot on the iPhone4 are way better than the pics shot on my HD2.The camera has auto-focus and zoom(YAY !) and importantly FLASH ! Now iPhones can take pics in the dark too :P !

I dint seem to have any yellow discoloration as many have noted in their devices and NO THE DEVICE DOES NOT LOSE RECEPTION WHEN I HOLD IT IN "THE UNHOLY WAY"
Im not sure how to reproduce this effect.Enough times I tried holding the phone on the lower left corner where the antennas meet and I dint have any issues at all (Weird but good :) )

I had a chance to try out FaceTime with a friend of mine in the US this is pretty much like Skype but you don't have to carry your laptop around :) and no registration or any BS whatsoever

Speakers are a major improvement...I mean they are absolutely fantastic.Way louder than any older iPhone , in fact its as loud as one of those Sony ericsson Walkman phones

Screen is the best improvement Iv noticed so far.When you hold the 3gs and the 4 next to each other you can actually see the Pixel density its way crisper and the icons are more vibrant.But more graphics optimization should be done to the games so that they would look fantastic on the device.

I couldn't find any difference in call clarity .Prolly cause I never did have any call issues in any iPhone I used so far.

Now the olny downside is that you have to cut your sim card to size.
This is relatively easy it took me 5 minuets to cut it .
You need one of those micro Sim adapters if you want to convert it back to normal size.

Multitasking works partially .
I say partially cause most apps currently dont support it.
But all apple apps currently support multitasking , which means when you get a msg while playing flight control or while writing a maail or something you can switch to SMS finish your text and go back to where you left off.
Iv also noticed that when I run 15 simultaneous apps in the 3GS it slows down a bit but in the 4 this isnt an issue at all thanks to the superfast A4 chip !

iBooks for the iPhone is here to stay :D !
so you can carry your whole library of books on the iPhone ( I still prefer the iPad for reading though, cause in the iPhone the amount of text in 1 page is very minimal.)

Safari browsing is cool.But not much changes there.Just that the pages load faster and are more vividly colored.

Last but not least BATTERY LIFE ! Remember how everyone keeps cribbing about how sucky!(can I use that? ) the iPhone battery life is.This one has an amazing battery life Iv used the phone whole through last night and Im still left with 80% battery(and Im considered a heavy phone user).
This is pretty good for start.But I will run more tests and get back to this one.

BTW here is a pic shot with my iPhone 4 in the most disgusting place on earth ! Enjoy

Friday, June 25, 2010

How to Jailbreak an unlocked iPhone 3Gs running on iOS4.

Recently my iTunes popped out a msg saying iOS4 is out for my iPhone
Excited(as always) I updated it thinking I could survive without my JB apps.
a day later I realized I did a major blunder.Because the dev-teamblog says

iPhone 3GS
Summary: Currently, PwnageTool only works on previously jailbroken 3GS devices with the old bootrom.
  • If you have a Jailbroken iPhone 3GS with the OLD BOOTROM and you DID NOT use Spirit to jailbreak then you can create the ipsw with PwnageTool 4.0 and restore with your jailbroken recovery mode.  
  • If you have an iPhone 3GS with the NEW BOOTROM this is NOT supported by PwnageTool 4.0 PwnageTool 4.01

I know I have an old bootrom because my s no. 3rd 4th and 5th nos. are 937 I think anything above 940 is the new bootrom. (CHECK)

BUT my device was not JB.  :((

(Before this process I remember clicking the "Make my life easier" button in Cydia.) when I was on 3.1.2. So this means I have the SHSH blobs or whatever it is on the Cydia server (YAY ! Cydia)

So I followed the steps here to downgrade my iPhone to 3.1.2
I got the 3.1.2 firmware from Google :D.

but towards the end I restored the phone in Recovery mode (press and hold the home button when phone is off and connect to your laptop) and not DFU mode(google DFU mode).
Try both.

It updated through the whole damn process and towards the end I got a lame iTunes error.
and my phone showed "Connect to iTunes screen"
So I fired up blackra1n ( and within seconds my phone was jailbroken and running 3.1.2

I followed the steps posted on
So I created a custom firmware and Shift+Restored , when phone was in Recovery Mode.

Awesome BITE SMS here I come ;)

Hope this helps someone.Peace

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why having an iPhone is an amazing idea.True Life story

Iv been using the iPhone and iPad simultaneously for the past 1 mth and now I cannot imagine a life without them.It had made my life way more easier than before.In all this I have only spoken about the College bit.The rest of its uses are even better.

Scenario One :
LMP / EDD , BMI ,Weight Dosage.
Many times in the medical field(especially in Chidambaram) you have to see patients at the rate of 2 patients for every 5 minuits.Now this time is really not enough if you have to sit down and calculate for every patient.So using the iPhone I can calculate all these values within seconds and makes me almost 70% more effective in seeing patients.

Scenario Two :
In the labor ward posting it has helped me store all my notes and logs (seamlessly) of all the cases seen by me.Thus it helps me as a reference on a later date. I know this can be done on any phone BUT the logging system by date is absolutely fantastic on the iPhone.

Scenario Three :
Williams Book of Obstetrics weighs almost a ton and carrying it  with all other Post Graduate books together is unimaginable.All these books can be carried on my iPhone.But now that I use the iPad for reading I neednt stain so much to look at text.All those books in just 1 device weighing 1.6 lbs.
And you can bookmark take notes and even READ IN THE DARK :O

Scenario Four :
Just Sitting Around.
There will be several occasions where you are just sitting around and doing noting much.Nothing is a better stress buster than pulling out your phone  and playing a game of Doodle Jump :).
Or read up about some drugs and their contraindications using epocrates or read up some DDs using Diagnausarus.

Scenario Five :
Quick photos of  cases and videos of surgeries.
Iv included this towards the end because most phones have this feature :P.

Other than these :
Iv got Tasks , Bank Management , Sketching , PIM , Twitter and on and on and on...

I feel its an absolute necessity for all doctors to carry an iPhone.Now if only iPhones were more reasonably priced and AVAILABLE :/.

Preordered my iPhone 4

Why why am I stuck on the iphone ?
Atleast Im glad its once a year disease.

Hopefully should get my shipment by 28th.
Very exciting.Would love to see the new retina display :).
Shelled out 60k this time.
Prolly the highest I ever paid online for anything.
And as always having the "WHY THE HELL DID I DO IT" symptom.
Cure - Wait for the shipment.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ipad in all it's glory

Being an apple fan boy couldn't resist buying the ipad when it was
released, from eBay.this also led me to shelling out 40 thousand for a
device which is originally 25 thousand.several times before getting
the device couriered to me, I regretted getting it.Now, three days
later I can say this device is worth way more ,if you can enjoy
entertainment as much as I do.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Won myself a free "Zombie"

Last night I entered a contest hosted by Slide to play and I actually
won a copy of Zombie Smash

I am absolutely loving this game. By far the best castle defence iv

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hah !! Noticed this wierd-bug while calling on the iphone 3GS !

When you are on a call and you want to shoot a video on the 3gS you cant :P !

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More evidence.

I'm not sure if this one is photoshopped but it looks quite legit to
me. I think it's rather difficult to Photoshop that lighting from the
bezel onto the screen.
Windows Mobile 7 Phone HD2 FtW

Monday, February 15, 2010

Official Windows Phone 7 Update for HD2 certain . (Windows Mobile7) (WinMo7)

For long people have speculated if Windows Mobile(Phone?) Seven might or might not come out for the HD2.
Here is solid evidence which I believe shows that there is definitely a WP7 Update for the HD2

1st in this video, MS showcased the keypoints of Windows Phone 7, the lady actually carries a HTC HD2.

2nd T-mobile sends this tweet :

"Think you know the HTC HD2? Guess again… Stay tuned for more next week.'

3rd Engadget interview
the second video there,towards the end the guy says WP7 runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon Processor (thats what the HD2 has)

4th HTC Russia initially slipped out a statement
"For Diamond 2 firmware is not planned. Of the existing communicators on the market, only the HD2 firmware to get WM7."

5th More info on the HD2 is coming next month
Official Twitter account for the Windows Phone 7

So there you go,
I think this is proof enough that the HD2 will definitely get a Windows Phone update :D.
SO cheer up HD2 users.

The Father

Absolutely adore this character from Ghosts n Zombies.

JAFA (Just another fan art )

Doodle using Sketchbook Mobile for the iPhone

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Priest

The Priest

Doodle using sketchbook on the iPhone.
Character inspired from the iPhone game Ghosts n Zombies.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Paperbag Panda

Courier head teddy was shocked when he saw another toy pointing a gun to his head.Was he on the same plane ?Was he part of the whole bunny-Osama conspiracy ?

Paperbag Panda was traveling with his owner who was taking a trip to the States when the horrible "accident" happened.He was tracking the only other survivor of the plane crash , searching for the same answers...Is he going to fight alongside courier head teddy ? Or will he put a bullet to his head ? Why the hell does he have a paper bag on his face ? Was he disfigured too ?


(worked on the iphone using Sketchbook)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Guess Who ver. 2 ???

Well the person in the pic does not think it looks like her....
What d' you think ?


Not really sure what was going on in my mind when I drew this guy ...
It was something very pokemony ... Firefoxy .... Yup one of those

freaky days.

THe lighting is all messed up...Then again I suck at lighting
in all my finger paintings....

As always, done on the iphone using sketchbook...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Doodle Doggie

A new doodle of my cute little dog "Rambo"
If you ever come near Gilchrist avenue,Harrington Rd.
You better watch out for this badboy.He can bark at you to deafness.
He tries acting all tough at new people but otherwise he dont bite :D.

Loves women(human) for some odd reason.

Hates bathing and Jack Russell Terriers.
And has his way with da' Bitches :P

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A new day...A new doodle

My doodle for tonight....Goodnight folks.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Top Games of 2009 on iPhone/iPod touch

I just feel compelled to tell the world my views on the top games I played all through last year.The iPhone has revolutionized the portable gaming platform, I no longer am compelled to complete COD4 or Assassins Creed 2 , Iv DoodleJump to master :P .The iPhone has become my favorite gadget and now I cannot imagine a life without it.

1.Doodle Jump :
In all aspects of life , every individual on earth is compelled to achieve more than the other (human nature) every one wants to go places , everyone wants to go UP.

That is exactly what Doodle Jump lets you do.You control a tiny monster and you jump on platforms and go to a higher level.You come across several monsters on your way to the NEVER ENDING top.To kill 'em,you tap in their direction and the little doodle monster shoots pellets at them.Sometimes you can also jump on them to kill 'em/jump higher.
This game has seen through several phone generations (iv had this game since ipod touch 2g through iphone 3gs).I highly recommend it and no iPod or iPhone should be without this game.
My highest score so far is 71,630(around 8 minuets into the game)
The all time highest so far is 2,210,614 played by a madman .
(if you fancy it you could play through the game is a snow mode,which was released for Christmas)

2.Charadium :
Imagine this, Sitting in a room with complete strangers and guessing what 1 person is doodling.SO MUCH FUN.

In this game 1 person does the drawing and the others take guesses on what the drawing might be.The game also offers several trophies to be won.Both the doodler and the right guesser gets points depending on how long it takes him/her to guess the particular word.Hours of non-stop fun.
If you fancy it, you can invite a few of your friends to play in your own private room.Provided they have the same game.This game is powered by the Plus+ network (by now every iPhone owner would probably have the Plus+ id thanks to ngmoco:) ) .The new updates are really good.It gives you the options to flag off words and party poopers :P.
Definitely check it out.Besides its only a dollar with unlimited amount of fun.Developer promises new updates so that the words would never repeat(that would be fantastic).

3.OMG! Pirates :

Fancy good graphics , fancy tiny cartoons ,you'll love OMG!Pirates.This game got several mixed reviews.Most of them complain on how the campaign is too short or how most enemy pirates look the same(with a little color difference,ofcourse),bla bla ,bla.....Say what you want,but I absolutely enjoyed this game every time I played it.The controls are rather simple you control this tiny ninja with the scroll wheel.The red button lets you attack(at higher levels you can do better combos),The green button lets you jump while moving and lets you counter attacks when staying still. Once you get the hang of things its rather simple to complete the game.
The survival mode is unlocked when you complete the campaign in any mode you want.
I do agree the campaign is rather short,but its form the same developer of Zombieville :) meaning updates will definitely add more contents (not just bug fixes) :P.The maximum attainable level is level 30.And its easier to beat the game in Medium difficulty at this point.Hard mode is absolute crazy only a madman with freaky finger talents can complete the game in Hard mode(of course I meant without dying and getting Master rating on all levels :P )

4.Face Fighter:

Whats more fun than beating up your boss who keeps restricting your internet access to just Google or that annoying kid who keeps knocking on your door every morning just cause he wants to???NOTHING.And doing this without going to prison ??? PRICELESS.
Thats what Facefighter is all about,such a stress reliever ,take a hAppy face (pun ?) and punch/kick/chicken slap/swat it till you Knock the f*sh out of him.
The developer has made several updates and now Bluetooth multiplayer option has been added making it even better to fight your friends locally....(Oh ! how I wish I could play worldwide).
All you need is a photo of the person you want to fight with and your all set.Appy also included some pre-set Characters to fight with(with their own signature entries)Bat boy, Big ben ,Mime guy...Its rather easy playing in Medium Mode.It gets very difficult in the hard mode.Make several combos and you will be awarded with "Legendary fury" where you get either a chicken ,fly swatter or pan to whoop the enemy.
At the end of the fight you will be awarded"Immortal Judgement" depending on your luck you can either electrocute, stomp , piranha kill your enemy.
An added perk , the developer of Appy Entertainment (Paul) is such a down to earth guy,responds to all your crazy mails and requests.Do buy this game its a lot of fun.

5.Plushed :

Usually, I never buy adventure games , I hate the fact that games have to end.It just poops my happiness to see the credits rolling.But Plushed ,developed by Blacksmith games has a certain touch to it ,which every person would love to play.You control an armored rabbit which travels through a fairytale collecting golden ladybugs and solving puzzles to get to his owner.The game graphics are absolutely stunning.It reminds me so much of Braid which was an absolute classic.There is a certain amount of humor to the game like a talking sword (I absolutely love this guy) and an overweight red riding hood.There are quite a few puzzles to solve through the game,but the fun does not end there.The developer has also installed 3 mini games (with endless game-play and leader-board ,ofcourse ).
If I had to put something negative in there,the only minus point is that when the bunny contacts an enemy he dies instantly ,taking you back to the last checkpoint :(  )
The developer of this game is responsible for the all famous appvent calender.He gave out a free game every day till Christmas (so sweet :D).These games were otherwise paid apps on the Appstore.Out of these I really liked Mini Squadron and 33rd division. There were also 2 contests held 1 for a new character design for plushed and another for a poem , funny situation or card.(I actually won the funny situation photo and got a 15$ gift card on itunes,YAY) .
And if thats not enough.I feel compelled to buy the game after all the developer game me so many other games for free :D.

Last doodle tonight

Its rather late....
But Iv just enough time for 1 last sketch :D...
It took me 1/2 hour just to make the darn iPhone.(it still sucks,somehow)

(OH !!! BTW thats me in my usual costume and my usual gadget :P )
Cheers and good night .

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Completely worked on using Sketchbook on the iPhone.

Something terribly went wrong in the fairy land.Thus resulting in this amphibious creature Unicortoise.
Its neither beautiful like a Unicorn nor ugly like a turtle.
Its the freak in between :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

At the gym...

Silent Assasin

Another drawing I did using SketchBook on the iPhone.

This one is not for the appvent calender.I just drew this for fun.
(I think the only thing this app is missing is a Burn/Lighten tool)

This is my 5th drawing using this app.

This little guy is Shudokin the silent assasin.
Wasnt so silent his last mission (New year party at a friends)
So resulting in a tear of his really expensive party dress.
(Louis Vuitton shirt and his red-belt)
Not much is known about him other than the fact he is very deadly.